domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

Week of Feb. 27 - Mar. 3

Dear Prek Parents,

This week we will be reviewing all the concepts of the abc’s we’ve learned until now. We will review letters A-R. This will include the naming of the letters, their sound and their writing. We will review the vocabulary of the letters of this 3rd quarter which are M-R.
The following link you will find a PowerPoint presentation with the vocabulary, in case you would like to review at home with your child.
Thank you for your support!!

In math, will continue working with numbers. We will work with numbers 0-12 on how to represent and identify using tally marks, ten frames, number formation, and name of the number, one-to-one correspondence, and sequencing.

Dr. Seuss has a collection of more than 50 books and we would really like the children to be exposed to the majority of them. This week, Feb. 27th to March 3rd, we will be doing an author study about him and we will celebrate his 103rd birthday. In order to honor Dr. Seuss’ birthday, we will be doing many different activities throughout the following week. Here is the dress-up calendar for this week:
Monday, Feb. 27th “The Cat in the Hat”
Hat and Tie day
Tuesday, Feb. 28th – “Fox in Socks”
Wacky Socks day (wear crazy socks)
Wednesday, March 1st “Wacky Wednesday”
Wacky Wednesday (Wear mismatched clothes, clothes backwards, inside-out, etc.)
Thursday, March 2nd “Happy Birthday to you!”
Dr Seuss colors (white, black, red) or Thing 1 and Thing 2 clothes (red, blue and white)
Friday, March 3rd “If I Ran the Zoo”
Wear Animal Print

We invite to you visit the following links with your child. These sites include books, games, activities, and more about Dr. Seuss that you can do with your child at home.

We have talked to the students that we have started the hot season in Honduras. Please provide your child with a water bottle every day. Have them wear light clothes; they can bring a hat to protect from the sun, put sunscreen on their face and arms.

In Honduras we celebrate Father's Day on March 19th. We would like to invite all of our DADDIES to save the date for Thursday, March 16th at 8:00 a.m. We are planning on having something nice prepared for you. We hope you can come and spend some time with your child at school. Mommies we will need a little help from you and we will announce during the week. Thank you!

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