Dear Prek Parents,
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
This week is evaluation week all the concepts we’ve learned this 3rd
quarter. Which are letters M-R (name, identify, write, sound of the letter and
at least 5 vocab words of each letter), numbers 0-12 (name, identify, write,
sequence, make set), writing their names.
The following link you will find a PowerPoint presentation with the
vocabulary, in case you would like to review at home with your child.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your support on Dr. Seuss’ birthday celebration. Children
had a great time.
This week we will also be working with Dr. Seuss’ activities and getting
to know more of his books.
We have talked to the students that we have started the hot season in
Honduras. Please provide your child with
a water bottle every day. Have them wear light clothes; they can bring a hat to
protect from the sun, put sunscreen on their face and arms.
In Honduras we celebrate Father's Day on March 19th. We would like to
invite all of our DADDIES to save the
date for Thursday, March 16th at 8:00 a.m. We are planning on
having something nice prepared for you. We hope you can come and spend some
time with your child at school.
Agradeceremos su apoyo a esta actividad!
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