Dear Prek Parents,
- Every Tuesday Homework is sent home. Homework should be back to school on Thursday. Please don’t forget to send the folder back
- On Tuesday’s with the homework we will send a bag in which you will have to bring something to school that begins with the letter of the week. This is to help us with our letter of the week manipulative center.
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday children have Motricity class. We are requesting that please send your child with tennis shoes and with shorts or pants. No skirts and no sandals. This is so that your child can be able to participate in every activity done during the class.
- Please make sure your child is only bringing toys of the letter of the week we are studying. We have been receiving children with toys that do not belong to the letter.
Thank you all for coming in last
Friday for the Parent-Teacher conferences. It is wonderful to work with such a
dedicated group of parents and students.
This week we will continue learning
about our abc. We will be working on recognizing the letters with their sound,
letter formation, vocabulary of the letter, remember always emphasizing on the
short vowel sounds. This week we will be studying about the letter Hh. The
vocabulary for this letter is: heart, hair, helicopter, hippo, hammer, horse, hamburger,
hat, hero, hot dog, hands
Children assigned should take five
(5) items that they have at home that begin with this letter. Items should be
at school on Monday and we will send them back on Friday. For this week we have
Pilar (Prek”A”) and Joshua (Prek”B”).
Note 1: If you would like to share
eatable things such as grapes, gorilla shaped cookies, etc. for children to
taste. It would be awesome if instead of Monday you send it on Friday so that
we close up our letter unit.
Note 2: There will always be one
student of each section that will be assigned with the letter of the week but,
there is a new homework. Every Tuesday some of you will receive a Ziploc bag
and you will have to send one thing that fits in the bag that begins with the
letter of the week.
Thank you for your support!!
The following link you will find a
PowerPoint presentation with the vocabulary, in case you would like to review
at home with your child.
On Tuesday, October 25th we will have a Hat Day. Your child should go to school wearing a hat.
Some of the stories we will be reading this week are:
Some of the stories we will be reading this week are:
a House by Byron Barton uses simple text
and clear, simple images to show the process of house building from the ground
up. For kids fascinated with construction {and even those that aren’t} it is
sure to please.
In math, will be working with
numbers. We will work on how to represent and recognize numbers using tally
marks, ten frames, number formation, name of the number, one-to-one
correspondence. We will begin working this week with numbers 0-9.
Our Nursery Rhyme this week is: “Hickory
Dickory Dock”
We are attaching you the link of the
videos of this song we will be learning throughout the week. We will learn two
versions of this nursery rhyme. Just a little tip to have fun at home listening
and acting out our song.
This we week we will be cooking food
of Japan and Argentina. We will need your support with some ingredients. You will
receive it on Monday. This should be at school on Wednesday.
Dress Up / Costume Day is around the corner. We are going
to be having a celebration on Monday, October 31st. On this day
students will come to school dressed up as their favorite book or movie
We will also
be trick or treating around school. Please send in one
bag of candies, lollipops, chocolates or any small treats or toys.
Please send in by Tuesday October 25th. We are also
requesting Lps.
50.00 for the treat bag. Please send them by Friday October 28th.
Thank you for your support.
Friday, Oct. 28th we will be celebrating United Nations Day and it is Half Day. All students will be leaving at 11:45am
Thank you for your support.
Friday, Oct. 28th we will be celebrating United Nations Day and it is Half Day. All students will be leaving at 11:45am
FUNDACION ABRIGO – Is an organization which provides lodging for
families from outside Tegucigalpa who bring their families/patients to the
largest state medical facility, Hospital Escuela. Discovery School in
solidarity with Fundacion Abrigo is asking for a donation of 1 GALON OF DISINFECTANT per family
by Friday, October 28. Thank you very much! It is always far better
to give than to receive!
BAKE SALE – The Seniors will have a bake sale on Monday,
October 31 in order to raise funds for their community service.
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