Dear Prek
This week we
are going to continue working with the alphabet. We will be working on
recognizing the letters with their sound, we will also focus on the letter
formation, vocabulary of the letter, remember always emphasizing on the short
vowel sounds. We will begin studying about the letter Bb. The vocabulary for this letter
is: bat, bird,
butterfly, bottle, book, bat, bee, bear, balloon, bed, boy, ball.
Two children
will be assigned each week with each letter. In this case, the children
assigned should take at least five (5)
items that they have at home that begin with this letter. Items should be
at school on Monday and we will send them back on Friday. For this week we have
Christopher (Prek”A”) and Camila
***Note: On Friday, you will have to
share for 22 students eatable things such as banana split, bread, beans,
beef, banana, banana bread, biscuit, blueberries, bacon, bagel, brownies, etc.
for children to taste. We do this to close our letter unit.
Thank you for
your support!!The following link you will find a PowerPoint presentation with
the vocabulary, in case you would like to review at home with your child.
We are attaching
links of some of Letter Bb videos if you would like to listen and sing at home
with your kid:
would like your support on occasionally review the ABC’s letter names and sound.
Here are some songs we use in class every day.
Some of the stories we will be reading this week are:
Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? is a
children's picture book published in 1967. Written and illustrated by Bill
Martin, Jr. and Eric Carle, the book is designed to help toddlers associate
colors and meanings to objects
Brontorina, by James Howe
Poor Brontorina! How will she be able to achieve her dream of being a ballerina when she’s too big for the studio? Thankfully, her teacher realizes that it’s not that Brontorina is too big. It’s that the studio is too small! This is a fun story which also teaches a good lesson: find a way to include everyone, even those that are a little different.
In math, will be working with numbers. We will work on how to represent and recognize numbers using tally marks, ten frames, name of the number, one-to-one correspondence. We will begin working this week with numbers 0-5.
Our Nursery
Rhyme this week is: “We are Going on a Bear Hunt”
We are attaching you the link of
the videos of this song we will be learning throughout the week. We will learn
two versions of this nursery rhyme. Just a little tip to have fun at home listening
and acting out our song.
In our Social Studies unit, we will be talking about MY FAMILY. Some of the vocabulary words we will are learning in this unit are: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, baby, uncle, aunt,
For this unit, we are also requesting a family picture that will be displayed in the classroom throughout our family study.
We will be sending homework from Tuesday-Thursday, meaning the homework will be pasted on the notebook and sent home on Tuesday. you have Tuesday and Wednesdat to do the homework. Please make sure the notebook
is sent back to school on Thursday. Make sure that your child has time to
play after school and on weekends. Now that your child is beginning to spend
more time in a structured school environment, you should allow more free time
at home for play. Specially for the Full-Day program. Prek homework includes
playtime always!
Please remember to check
your child’s folder and send it back to school the next day, you may stay
with the notebook for the homework but please send the folder back to school
every day. We are working on this special routine with the students. Remember
that this is the best way for you to communicate with us.
Supply list: If you still
haven't brought all the materials yet, I'll be very much thankful if could send
the rest or everything this coming week.
Thanks a lot for your help!
This Monday, August 21 our school
will be conducting several activities because of the Solar Eclipse that will be
taking place from approximately 11:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Please carefully review
the following:
Nursery and Pre-Kinder Parents. Because an eclipse presents a potential
danger to the eyes, we feel our little ones’ best interest is to be home when
the Solar Eclipse happens. We have decided we will be dismissing Nursery and Pre-Kinder at 10:55 a.m.
time when our buses will depart from school to get them home before 11:45 a.m. If you pick your child up, we ask that you
be here promptly to avoid being caught in traffic when the eclipse begins.
During the period of the eclipse, please do not let your child look
directly at the sun. They can watch it
on the television.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Older Children. We will be using a mixture of indirect
viewing techniques and special lenses to ensure the safety of your children as
we take advantage of this learning opportunity.
Parents are welcome to come to school to observe our procedures.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are any questions.
Friday, Aug. 25th
– Early Dismissal (11:45 am) for ALL STUDENTS
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