Dear Prek Parents,
Thank you for helping your child with their 100th day hat, shirts and dresses. Your creativity was awesome and children has an awesome time.
This week we will not be studying any letter just reviewing ABC’s. We
will have a focus with the our social studies unit. We will continue our
amazing the unit about Community Helpers.
We are going to be discussing the different types of professions. Children will get the chance to name the tools,
transportations and what does each of the professions do. Some of the
vocabulary words we will be focusing are: hair
stylist, firefighter, policeman, doctor, vet, nurse, builder, chef, farmer, teacher,
mailman, dentist. If you have any
books or posters, or any other material that you would like to share with us it
would be greatly appreciated. Children
can bring any of these transportation and community helper’s objects they have
at home to share and play we will send them two weeks.
The following link you will find a PowerPoint presentation with the
vocabulary, in case you would like to review at home with your child.

On Tuesday, Jan. 31st, we have our Field Trip to AGAFAM, stuents from Universidad Agricola
Panamericana Zamorano is bringing a Baby Farm for kids. We have been invited to
assist. This Field Trip has a cost of Lps.
70.00 which include: transportation to and from
AGAFAM, the entrance to the park, and a small snack (juice and cookie). The
trip lasts one hour. We will assist from 10:00am to 11:00am. Please send the
money on Monday, Jan 30th with the permission slip signed. We attach
the permission slip in the following link.
To close our Community Helpers unit we are planning on a Show and Tell
Presentation that will be on Friday,
February 3rd. Each child will be assigned with an occupation,
they will have to answer the following questions. "What do I do?" "How do I transport?" "What
tools do I use?" "Where do I work?" Children should come
dressed as the community helper that they will be assigned. We are NOT
demanding an expensive or fancy suit, it is up to you how and what you are
going to use. Children should also bring a poster illustrating the questions,
this will be a help while they present.
Enjoy doing this project with your child. Involve them in everything you
plan. Any doubts or questions please contact us as soon as possible.
For Friday, Feb. 3rd we will also have a Community Helpers Transportation day. We will pretend play and we would like to borrow ONE toy car you have at HOME. We are
NOT REQUESTING YOU TO BUY. Only if you have any at home please send it to
school it could be a bicycle, a car, tricycle, etc. If you do not have at home please do not worry we will have some extra at school. We are asking for the ones that look like this:
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