Our last post for this school year. It is time to say goodbye to our lovely students but at the same time we know that they are ready to move on in their lives. They are all excited to go to Kindergarten… Hooray!!! We will devote this week to have fun.
We will continue learning about Space. We are going to learning and discussing about the difference between day and night, sort activities that you do during the day, night and both. We will study why and how come the Sun it’s not on it’s same place during the day. The transition from day to night. We will discuss why the moon changes its shape during the month. When we study the sun, we will be emphasizing on shelter and shadow, why is it important. Finally, we will be discovering about planets and see our solar system through pictures and videos.
The “End of the Year Party” will be on Wednesday , June 5 . It's the Last day of School and its time for Slime Day !!
We would like to thank you for being such supportive parents. It has definitely been one of the best group of parents and kids that we have ever worked with. Please never stop being so supportive with your kids’ school and teachers. Without your support, it would have been impossible to make many activities that we planned. We really are aware of all your help and thank you again for that.
Students will be dismissed at 11:45 Monday, June 3,
Tuesday , June 4,and Wednesday , June 5.
Students will be dismissed at 11:45 Monday, June 3,
Tuesday , June 4,and Wednesday , June 5.
النمل الأبيض النمل الأبيض أو الأرضة هو نوع من أنواع الحشرات، وهو ليس كالنمل العادي المعروف، فالصدر والبطن لديه متصلان ببعضهما مباشرة، وليس له خصر، وهو من الحشرات الكانسة، ويتسم بحياته السرية، ويتغذى بشكلٍ أساسيّ على السيليولوز، ويعيش في مستعمرات تتنوع فيها الطوائف التي تختلف في بنيتها ووظيفة كلٍّ منها، وللنمل الأبيض الكثير من الأضرار عند انتشاره في المنزل أو في الحديقة المنزلية، لذلك يجب على سكان المنزل التخلص منه بسرعة عن طريق اتباع بعض الطرق والخطوات الفعالة للقضاء عليه
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شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالقطيف